ROW Specialist I
Job Description
Meet Your Recruiter

Jessica Les
Technical Recruiter
Jessica Les is a distinguished Principal Recruiter and dedicated Team Lead specializing in the Utilities Division at Sterling. With an impressive 6-year tenure at Sterling, Jessica’s passion for making a difference in individuals' careers and her dynamic approach to the recruitment landscape set her apart as a prominent figure in talent acquisition.
In her role as a Principal Recruiter and Team Lead, Jessica brings a wealth of expertise to the Utilities Division. Her deep understanding of the industry's intricacies enables her to skillfully match candidates with roles that align with their experiences and aspirations. As a Team Lead, Jessica guides and inspires her team to excel, fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration.
Jessica’s greatest joy in recruiting is the ability to impact someone's career journey positively. She thrives on the diversity of her work, embracing each day as an opportunity to tackle new challenges and gain fresh experiences. Her unwavering commitment to learning is evident in her proactive approach to staying updated about the utility industry, whether delving into the intricacies of a new role or staying abreast of the latest projects companies are undertaking.
Her advice to job seekers is grounded in thorough preparation, emphasizing the importance of research. Jessica encourages candidates to familiarize themselves with the company and the role they're applying for and assess how their own experiences align with the position. Most importantly, she underscores the value of authenticity, urging candidates to be themselves during interviews as it fosters genuine connections.